

Can I open the capital account in RMB currency?

Can I open the capital account in RMB currency?

Sure, just the opening process for this account has a little difference between foreign currencies.

When open the capital account in RMB currency (BOC bank), there are additional processes commonly as below. Each bank maybe a little difference in this side, please confirm with the company's bank before the opening.

1.Apply for a new financial stamp which is just for the capital bank account use.

2.The bank will review RMB capital bank account application. 

3. After reviewed by the bank higher levels, the bank's manager will arrange the time to make a meeting with the company's legal representative and in the meeting the bank commonly will confirm some questions, mainly as below.

1) Whether the person is the company's legal representative; 

2) The legal representative Chinese mobile phone number; 

3) Whether the company agrees to open the capital account in RMB currency;

4) Whether agree to open the online bank for the capital account; 

 ( no need to buy additional bank keys, the bank just adds this capital account into the present bank keys)

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